3D Shapes Dataset Generator

Helps procedurally generate tailored 3D shape datasets.

This tool is designed to help users create procedurally generated 3D shape datasets customized to their needs. It’s built on top of my open source Raymarching Engine and runs over GPU. The engine supports over thirty primitives, three set operations (Union, Intersection, and Subtraction), and varying color values (along with shadows).

A glimpse of the Final Dataset

Sample image with operations: Cone (Union) + Sphere (Union) + Box Frame (Subtraction)

Getting Started

  • Download the build file/windows installer from the Releases.
  • If you need over the top features -
    • Clone the repository
      git clone https://github.com/aniketrajnish/3D-Shapes-Dataset-Generator.git
    • Open and edit the source code (in the /src folder) in Unity 2020.3.30f1 or later.


  • Varying Camera Angle (currently not functional): Set to True if you want to assign a different camera angle to each image in the dataset. Otherwise, the camera will look at the object keeping it in the center using transform.LookAt().
  • Varying Orientation: Set to True if you want to assign a unique random orientation (angle) to the individual shapes in the dataset. Otherwise, the shapes will be aligned with the axis using Quaternion.identity.
  • Varying Position: Set to True if you want to assign a unique random position to the individual shapes in a cube of dimension 2 units centered at the origin. Otherwise, the shapes will be centered at the origin.
  • Randomize Shape Count: Set to True if you want to randomize the number of shapes in each image between 0 and the Max Shape Count. Otherwise, every image will be generated with Max Shape Count number of shapes.
  • Max Shape Count: Set the maximum number of shapes that each image in the dataset should have.
  • Dataset Size: Set the number of images to be generated in the dataset.
  • Dataset Path: Set the path where the dataset folder is to be created.
  • Resolution: Set the width and height of the images (in pixels) to generate them accordingly.
  • Shapes and Operations: These are enums that determine which shape index and operation index are to be taken into * consideration while generating each shape.
  • Seed: Input a seed value to generate a dataset that has already been created before by assigning the seed value to the Random State.

Note that the Varying Camera Angle parameter is still under development and is not functional.


  • The images are saved in the ../images folder.
  • The seed value of each random state is also exported in a txt file and can be used to re-generate a dataset.
  • These parameters are exported in the CSV sheet with all the image information as shown in table below.
    Column Name Info
    filename Name of the image file
    shape Shape Index
    operation Operation Index
    a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l Dimensional parameters
    hue, sat, val HSV Values of the color
    rot_x, rot_y, rot_z Euler Angles
    pos_x, pos_y, pos_z Position Vector
  • Each row depicts information about a shape in the image of a dataset.


If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

C#, HLSL, Unity